Our Mission + Values

What matters to you, matters to us!


Feeling your best shouldn’t be an exclusive experience! We promote accessible restoration through red light, infrared sauna, and massage therapy.

Body + Mind

One cannot flourish without the other. At dtXfy we believe in nourishing our bodies and our minds, feeling good from the inside out. Keep up to date on how our community strives for balance with our Sweat Sense posts and monthly newsletter.


Wellness brings joy and joy should be shared. At dtXfy we’re looking to build a community of members who feel good in their bodies and even better in our shared space.

How We Got Our Start

Hello, my name is Denise and I am the founder of dtXfy!

If you’ve landed here, it’s because you and I have something in common. Let me explain.

Despite being very mindful of my diet and exercise regimen for most of my life, in my early 50s I found myself waking up stiff with arthritic pains and an unfamiliar brain fog. It was a discomfort that impacted my day to day. It altered how I experienced my life, but it didn’t feel like the pain warranted medical intervention. That’s when I got to researching.

What I found first was a state-of-the-art, massage lounger. I made the investment for myself and instead of waking up stiff and sore each morning, I woke up energized, without hip pain for the first time in a long time.

Next, my research led me to an infrared sauna and red light therapy. I used the sauna for about 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week, and the red light for only 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. The experience was an absolute reset. The daily treatments brought me relaxation and clarity, and a restful night’s sleep that had long escaped me.

The combination of my new found wellness routine brought me a steady, gentle boost of energy, comfort in my body and joy in my heart.

Using these therapies supported my body’s natural rhythms. I found a way of helping myself that was safe, effective and long-term.

That’s why I started dtXfy. I believe everyone should have control over their own wellness, and by providing access to natural remedies I believe we can build a community of people who simply feel great!

Where energy flows
and skin glows!

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Give the Gift of Wellness!

Gift Cards redeemable at both locations and online.

Mom on the Glow

One 30-minute 6D Massage & One Red Light Therapy or Infrared Sauna Session. Plus a complimentary, surprise gift for Mom!


Gift cards are redeemable at all locations